英国斯旺西大学Wing Chung Tsoi博士学术报告通知

发布时间:2018-04-03 04:34:13发布者:赵越阅读次数:528

应bwin必赢国际官方网站杨玉林教授和夏德斌博士邀请,英国Swansea UniversityWing Chung Tsoi博士来我校做学术报告,欢迎广大师生参加。


报告题目:Research highlights on organic and perovskite photovoltaics at Swansea University

报 告 人: Dr.  Wing Chung TsoiSwansea University, UK


报告地点:明德楼 C908


摘要:In this presentation, a brief introduction will be given related to the photovoltaic (PV) team at SPECIFIC, Swansea University. After that, advanced Raman techniques to characterize stability (and homogeneity) of organic and perovskite solar cells will be introduced, its contribution to degradation of organic solar cells will be explained, followed by dark bias effect and interlayer effect to perovskite PV degradation and efficiency. Finally, several emerging/new applications including organic PV for indoor, semitransparent, aviation/space applications will be discussed. The aim of this talk is to update the latest development (2017-2018) of the PV team (focus on my group), and foster collaborations.


个人简介:Dr Wing Chung Tsoi is a senior research officer at the SPECIFIC photovoltaic (PV) team (chaired by Prof. James Durrant from Imperial College London) at Sewansea University (UK). He is currently leading a group with particular focus on developing advanced characterization for organic and perovskite PV cells, and investigating emerging/new applications of organic and perovskite PV cells. Dr Tsois current research includes developing new/advance Raman-based techniques, understand and improve stability of organic and perovskite PV, optimize performance of organic and perovskite PV for indoor, power generation window and aviation applications. He has particularly expertise in new/advance characterization techniques to understand structure-property-performance relationship of printable SCs, particularly world-leading in Raman spectroscopy for organic and perovskite PV. Dr Tsoi is also leading the area of organic PV for indoor applications (achieved highest power conversion efficiency). He has published 45 papers.