专家简介:Emory M. Chan is a Staff Scientist at the Molecular Foundry,Lawrence Berkeley NationalLaboratory. Dr.Chan received a B.S. degree in Chemistry from Stanford University (with Honors and Distinction, 2000), and Ph.D. degree in Physical Chemistry from University of California (Berkeley, 2006). After completing post-doctoral training at the Molecular Foundry, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory(2007-2009), He joined the faculty at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in 2009, and was promoted to Principal Scientific Engineering Associate in 2012, and to Staff Scientist in 2014.He has published numerous peer-reviewed publications in prestigious journals such as Nature Nanotechnology, Journal of American of Society,Chemical Society Reviews, Advanced Materials, Nano Lettersand ACS Nano.He has also delivered more than 30 world-wide invited talks at conferences and universities.