请相关专业的(化工,生医,材料,生物,生化,医学,化学,物理,工程力学,电子,机械,仪表,食品,高分子)同学留意。招生面向高年级本科生、在读研究生,及其他相当学历人员。有无GRE、TOFEL成绩均可。该学院将在2011年4月20日(周三)于哈尔滨 安排一次招生宣讲及入学考试(有TOFEL/GRE的无须参加此考试;对TOFEL/GRE成绩俱有者参加宣讲即可),考试具体时间地点见下文。考试内容如下简章所示(考试期间不允许使用英汉辞典及计算器)。NTU的奖学金丰厚,目前是每月2000新元(开题前)、2500新元(开题后),生活绰绰有余。如果有各位同学的朋友在其他兄弟院校,也帮忙宣传一下。欢迎大家报名参加宣讲及考试。
A Global University of Excellence
Nanyang Technological University (NTU) is an internationally renowned tertiary education institution. With roots dating back to 1955, NTU boasts a strong engineering college that is ranked among the best globally. Committed to our mission of educating leaders and advancing knowledge for Singapore and beyond, we have built global programs and established strong links with leading institutions around the world. We value initiative and passion, and provide ample opportunities to maximize potential and prepare the individual for the challenges in the ever-changing world.
Postgraduate Opportunities in School of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering
The chemical and biomedical industries have seen very healthy growth in recent years. With the increasing demand for chemical engineers and bioengineers, a new School of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering has been established in NTU. The School aims to empower a generation of graduates with new perspectives in engineering practices to meet the challenges of the chemical and biomedical industries around the globe. Two postgraduate programs are offered by the School:
. Ph.D. in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
. Ph.D. in Bioengineering
The School invites students with outstanding academic records to apply to its Ph.D.
programs. The general entry qualifications for admission to the programs are:
(i) a good bachelor’s degree in areas related to chemical and biomedical engineering and (ii) either good (a) GRE/GATE (for Indian applicants) and TOEFL scores; or (b) NTU English Proficiency (written) and Technical Proficiency Tests* scores.
Attractive research scholarships shall be awarded to successful candidates.
Meet us in April 2011!
Faculty from the School will be visiting your area in April 2011 to conduct proficiency tests* with candidates.
Interested applicants are welcome to attend. If you have questions, may contact
Candidates can know the updated test schedule/venue by email if you send us by email your CV.
- English Proficiency Test: TOEFL style essay writing. Candidates are reminded to pay more attention to the basic grammar and spelling. (duration: 30 min)
- Technical Proficiency Test: answer 35 GRE-type Mathematical questions including GRE leveled Math AND College-Year 1 leveled Engineering Math (duration: 1.5 hour)
Tel: +65 6790 6741 Fax: +65 6794 7553
Email: scbe_postgraduate@ntu.edu.sg
School of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering, N1.2-B3-13,62Nanyang Drive
Singapore 637459