
发布时间:2010-06-25 12:00:00发布者:系统管理员阅读次数:2270

讲座题目:Publishing in Materials Science


讲座时间:2010年6月24日 8:30

内容摘要:A highly competitive research environment with increasingly limited research funding has created a ublish or Perish attitude among scientists who are judged on the quantity rather than quality of their research articles. This presentation provides a brief overview of current trends and challenges in scientific publishing, how publishers and authors interact and influence each other, and how the publishing arena is being transformed.


2005 (May) – 2008 (Mar) Senior Associate Editor (Angewandte Chemie)

2005 (Nov) – 2008 (Mar)  Deputy Editor (Chemistry–An Asian Journal)

2008 (Jan) –                      Editor-in-Chief (Small)